Sunday, November 9, 2008

Extended family

Dear friends, Sophie here
Today I want to talk about our extended family. Two more animals share the same household but not the big bed. They are Boris the deer and Josephine the turtle.

Boris lives in our garden where he spends his days mainly eating garden plants (pawrents did not think about that one before dad brought him in), bananas, papayas and grains. All the humans who see him rave about his beauty and elegance. I am not so easily impresed by his innocent looks and that is why I howl my beaglish head off whenever pawrents make a mistake and leave a door to the back patio open.

Josephine the turtle is a whole different story. Dad adopted her from a person who didn't want to have her as a pet. We are still not sure if she used to be a pet or a wild turtle but she seems to like her life here and hasn't try escaping. Mom decided that because of gender balance in the house we need a girl so they named her Josephine even though no one knows what exactly her gender is. Mum furnished her habitat with a lot of bright colours.

We envy you doggies who had a fun howloween. We didn't do any trick or treating, but this is my costume as East European peasant girl.



i said...

You have a deer and a turtle too? Oh wow...Josephine sure has a pretty house there! I think you look marvelous in your peasant girl costume, Sophie!

Anonymous said...

Sophie, that is a wonderful costume. I know you are not a peasant girl by nature but that is what Halloween is for... to try out a completely different identity.

Eduardo said...

Hello Sophie! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I would love to add you to my snuggle buddies list if you don't mind! Wow a deer & a turtle?!?! that is great! What a lovely family! I'm an only child! I'll be back to your bloggie soon! I hope we can be friends!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog!
I will come to visit your blog often!
Kisses and hugs

FleasGang said...

Hi pups! Those are some pretty cool pets that you have. I especially like Josephine's pink habitat. It's soooo girly. :-)


Raising Addie said...

Awww sophie you are too cute!

Those are interesting pets that you have in your family! I bet that deer keeps you on your toes!


L said...

I think we would bark if there was a deer in our yard too! I would love to have bananas and papays in our yard. I would eat them all!